P-51 Mustang rudder pedals

P-51 Mustang rudder pedals 3D print model


P-51 Mustang rudder pedals for homecockpit building (NOT FOR A REAL FLIGHT USE).6 files that includes both rudder pedals and the same pedals splited in a half for an easy 3D printing.

jdelgadowork2022-05-17 21:07:07 UTC
would be interested in purchasing these files, but I do not know what you use to mount these to existing Logitech/Saitek rudders. Please advise. Thank you
Item rating
1 0
omarachraf2020-05-27 02:04:04 UTC
Hi toniattcs, the model was very accurate. Could I suggest you to consider to put some information like the dimensions of the 1:1 printed model and the best material to print. For scale modelers the original colors will be a must :-) regards, Omar Achraf
P-51 Mustang rudder pedals
Editorial No Ai License 
P-51 Mustang rudder pedals
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)6.34 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-02-20
  • Model ID#1903547
  • Ready for 3D Printing