IncrediVat D7

IncrediVat D7 3D print model


This is a 3D printable VAT for Wanhao Duplicator 7 3D printer.The large version have slots for metal spacers, the small version have 3d printable ones (M4 screws).I included the .3dm files so you can modify the VAT to match your screws and/or your spacers.Feel free to ask if you have any questions.Files: IncrediVat_Big , IncrediVat_Small , IncrediVat_Base, IncrediVat_Big_NoSupport , IncrediVat_Big_NoSupport_ClipFormats: .stl , .obj , .3dm , .igs

UPDATE:Someone had problems with .stl files. I improved the quality and checked them in every slicer. They are perfect now.Contact me if you need other formats or you have any questions.

shubhankar-takle2018-09-28 15:01:50 UTC
Can you explain how the assembly works? What metal parts will I need to buy off the shelf?
ZioFester2018-09-28 15:25:02 UTC
You can use the exagonal spacers used for motherboards. There are different files format so you can adapt the holes to your specific needs. Every producer use different sizes so it is basically impossible to find the same spacers. Try with your local store and if does not fit you can modify the files
thomas-782018-05-25 19:17:22 UTC
Is their a reason to use brass standoffs instead of just Knurled Threaded Round Inserts? it would be cheaper?
ZioFester2018-05-26 15:05:34 UTC
I used them only because they can't be twisted when in place. The price will be very similar i suppose
M6002017-08-14 14:36:49 UTC
So you mad because you trademarked it? Invented the concept of flexVAT? And ask for my model to be deleted from here? If so, I can simply release it for free. Neither will win anything. That's up to you buddy. :D And I actually did model things more than you do...
ZioFester2017-08-14 14:46:19 UTC
You saw and copied my design and tried to sell it in the same site. People like you are going to ruin 3d market forever. You want to design a vat? Just design it and stop copying the fuck you see around. You model things more than me? What is that supposed to mean? YOU COPIED MY DESIGN. You call it modeling? I call you a thief. Get a life
M6002017-08-14 14:48:54 UTC
Thief? Big word is used here. As far as I know you did not invent the FlexVAT concept. You did not invent the Duplicator 7. You did not invent much other than "copying" what already exist: the stock VAT. But if it's like you want to do, I'm fine with that. Have a nice day. =)
ZioFester2017-08-14 14:54:58 UTC
I invented nothing! I added metal spacers, i added smoothed corners and different sizes. The exact same thing you did in your design and it is not a stock design so you are a thief. End of the story
M6002017-08-14 16:17:20 UTC
Oh i'm deeply sorry for you lost. So I just made a derivative for free from your lite version posted on thingiverse: Hope you have a wonderfull day!
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IncrediVat D7
Editorial No Ai License 
IncrediVat D7
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 80% in 5.6h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm) (2 files)39.6 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (5 files)80.2 MB
  • IGES (.ige, .igs, .iges)74.1 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)33.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2017-07-08
  • Model ID#744326