Housing for the idle valve 180 degree

Housing for the idle valve 180 degree 3D print model


In the event that the modernization of the air intake system requires the removal of the standard air flow sensor, you will find this hinged adapter for the idle valve useful.Diameter of a branch pipe under a hose - 16 mm.

Recommended ABS (or TPU) printing, mechanical and chemical post-processing.This housing is designed for universal valve sizes. About a dozen units have been successfully operated on cars with c20xe engines for more than a year.

I recommend after printing to align the irregularities of the plane under the valve gasket. Use 240 grit sandpaper, then 500 or 1600 grit on glass and with added water.

Feel free to write to me if you need additional variants of shape or part size for your particular variant. I will gladly complete the additional options.

3dread2021-04-13 00:20:48 UTC
Very nice model!
PrintedPower2022-11-06 17:02:26 UTC
Thank you)
3d-disco2021-02-26 05:23:49 UTC
Nice model!
PrintedPower2022-11-06 17:03:05 UTC
Thank you)
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Housing for the idle valve 180 degree
Royalty Free License 
Housing for the idle valve 180 degree
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)760 KB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)850 KB
  • STEP (.stp)298 KB
  • 3D ACIS (.sat)1020 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-07-05
  • Model ID#2499436
  • Ready for 3D Printing