Guts Mechanical Arm Fan Art for Cosplay

Guts Mechanical Arm Fan Art for Cosplay 3D print model


This is my Wearable Mechanical arm fan art which is very Manga Accurate. I designed it to be easy to put on withouthaving to disassemble it. I also included 2 variations for the fingers, Knuckled fingers, and Un-knuckledfingers, the difference between these 2 is one has the almost orb shaped joint on the fingers, that when wornlimit your fingers possibility but is more manga accurate looking, then the Un-knuckled fingers are for thosewho want to have more possibility.

All Files Are .OBJ Format


This 3D Model is Intended for LARGE FORMAT FDM or SLA Printers. It is very likely Necessary you will needto scale Individual segments to your proportions all Files have their Location Data intact So you can loadentire sections as separate files and see what part goes where and this also helps with scaling.EXTREMELY IMPORTANT when scaling is that you include respective Pin Set for each segment when scalingand always scale the pins the same as you scale the pieces so they will always fit into the holes correctly,for people who are Novice to 3d printing i would recommend when scaling to scale the overallsize of a piece instead of only scaling on one axis as that could cause problems with the Pins unless you aremore Adept to 3d Modeling. I would Highly Recommend Using Either a High Strength Or Flexible Filament Or Resinfor points of high stress such as the palm and fingers(Flexible Preferred for the hands and fingers)

Detailed Instructions on assembly will be available Via a READ ME text file

This 3D model is for personal use only, Commercial use of this Model is prohibited.

playboifarti572024-04-06 21:28:48 UTC
somebody said that its a rar and they cant print it but arent rars zipped files?
Item rating
0 1
yowlerjak2024-04-02 16:04:25 UTC
Not Recommended
says its a .obj but its actually a .rar file that cant be converted to .obj waste of money
Guts Mechanical Arm Fan Art for Cosplay
Custom License 
Guts Mechanical Arm Fan Art for Cosplay
Custom License 
Response 88% in 5.3h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)119 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-20
  • Model ID#4059995
  • Ready for 3D Printing