G and G GC16 Airsoft series M4 Charging handle extension

G and G GC16 Airsoft series M4 Charging handle extension 3D print model


*G and G GC16 Airsoft series M4 Charging handle extension 3D print model*As far as i'm concerned, universal Charging handle's do not fit into a G&G airsoft replica. So i decided to make my own design. I have no doubt that this could work in different models like the CM16 as they are using the same parts on their G&G GC and CM series replica's.

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WordedOne2021-05-15 23:00:12 UTC
Update 5/5 works perfectly
G and G GC16 Airsoft series M4 Charging handle extension
Royalty Free License 
G and G GC16 Airsoft series M4 Charging handle extension
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 1.0 (.stl)30.5 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-08-20
  • Model ID#2568077
  • Ready for 3D Printing