Flanker style stick

Flanker style stick 3D print model


Flanker style stick for diy hotas.Files for both a left and right handed version are provided.

Cheaper STL only (mostly) version: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/mechanical-parts/flanker-style-stick-stl-only.

Three out of five multi switch guards can be changed to allow for switching between movement restrictions without reprinting the grip.

Test hight of the actuator bump on the fliptrigger and adjust if nessesary.

Current pcb's are designed for Freejoy firmware.New pcb's for custom firmware project will be released when firmware is done.PCB git: https://github.com/NoPlanNomad/FlankerStick_PCBPCB zip contains all kicad files. For every pcb there should also a folder that has the gerber files required by most pcb fabs.

No parts need to be inserted during printing.

Design assume use of 5 Alps RKJXM1015004 and 5 APEM9533 switches.

Use thin wires. It's possible to assemble the stick with 24awg wires but thinner wires make assembly a lot easier.

I'm currently working on wiring instructions for the pcb's

Updates: -> pdf v1.1 included spring specs in BOM.-> Fixed mistake in original pcb design.-> Added bom for logic pcb's (assumes one of each logic pcb's for either right or left hand).-> Added pcb wireing diagram with all pcb's (special thanks to inspectordextergm for profiding the diagram).

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Flanker style stick
Royalty Free License 
Flanker style stick
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)41.3 MB
  • STEP (.stp) (2 files)28.8 MB
  • PDF 1.1 (.pdf)7.39 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-13
  • Model ID#4581937
  • Ready for 3D Printing