You can build your own CNC machine at home. In this study, a laser CNC machine has been created as an example. The machine is designed with dimensions of 100cm x 85cm. You can adjust the dimensions by extending or shortening the sigma profiles and GT2 belt as needed. You can consult for any points you get stuck on.
Material Name Dimension Quantity 20x20 V-Slot Sigma Profile 1 meter 2 20x40 V-Slot Sigma Profile 85cm 2 20x40 V-Slot Sigma Profile 1 cm 1 Socket Head Cap Screw M3x12mm 20 Washer M3 20 M5 Socket Head Screw and Nut 45 mm 13 M5 Socket Head Screw and Nut 20 mm 22 M3 Socket Head Screw and Nut 12 mm 22 Cable - 1.8 mm (Yellow-Black-Green) meter 3 Cable - 1.5 mm (Black-Red-Green-Blue) meter 4 Extra Nut M3 18 Cable Sleeve 15 mm meter 3 Pulley As required - 625ZZ Bearing V-Slot Wheel 625ZZ - 5 mm 12 12V 30A Power Supply 30A 1 Servo Motor - 3 Gt2 bolt 5mm or 6mm m 5 Plastic Clips As required -