Adapter for Toycar for Stern Pinball Jurassic Park

Adapter for Toycar for Stern Pinball Jurassic Park 3D print model


The Quality you need by Lucxor:

Replace the boring Car with this professional Adapter for the Jada Toy JP car 18 or 12.No need to drill speacial holes in the Toy bottom and try to get the rigth place or a good balance.Just replace it and enjoy. Covers the metalpiece and has cool lookin Exhaust.


Adaptermodel V1 (stl.)

Adaptermodel V1.1 (stl.)

Adaptermodel V1.1 (obj.)

Adaptermodel V1.1 Presupported (stl.) for resinprinter

Manual for installation

NOT INCLUDED but needed for Mounting the Adapter:


Jada Toy Car 12 or 18

4 Screws: Metric M4 / 8mm long

Screw-bit H3 for the metric Screws

Some Tools as a Bit 3/32, a screwdriver and a Nut 11/32 are needed for the installation.

The Adapter is only for the Car Nr. 18. 1/32 and Car Nr.12. 1/43 from Jada toy. (please see Pictures)


Updated Version V1.1 stl/OBJ

Presupported Model (for Resin Printers))

Royalty Free License ( Cf Cgtrader Terms and conditions ) Reselling Any parts, modified parts, baked Geometry or texture, or any sources file is not allowed.

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sscohen2024-05-21 21:13:01 UTC
Adapter for Toycar for Stern Pinball Jurassic Park
Royalty Free License 
Adapter for Toycar for Stern Pinball Jurassic Park
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)20.5 MBVersion: 1.0Version: 1.1Version: 1.1
  • PDF (.pdf)594 KB
  • OBJ 1.1 (.obj, .mtl)2.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-19
  • Model ID#4056382
  • Ready for 3D Printing