Thundercats Thundertank 3d printed

Thundercats Thundertank 3d printed 3D print model


This is a full scale 3d printed Thundercats Thundertank for a 6" ULTIMATES action figure. This uses a list of store bought hardware to make the treads roll, arms raise and lower, the doors open, and the cannon telescopes. ( TPU printed treads required for movement - files included). It can be assembled without hardware and glues/bonded together. The read me file will point you to the hardware needed and alternative cost saving build optionsThe arms raise and lower, the doors open, and the cannon telescopes. This is everything you wanted as a kid and more, but now you get to make it yourself!!! This is a big boy! iIt measures in at 807mm x 587mm. It has provisions for thread inserts on the bottom and could be wall mounted once its complete.


bigblasckdalek2023-11-11 13:59:33 UTC
Hey thank you for this. Could you possibly give me a breakdown of the hardware I need to get to put this bad boy together. Just prints fantastic.
Whiskey-Engineer2023-11-11 14:39:40 UTC
Thank you. I put allot of work into this one. There is a txt file labeled TT_ READ_ME_INSTRUCTIONS. It has all the hardware requirements and where you can find them on McMaster car with the part numbers. If you like this model, check out my other models. I also have a lightsaber capable sword and a large TC power ring that came with the vintage figures!
cristianjosadec2023-08-04 03:49:20 UTC
Hello, what bed size of printer do I need? and also what is the estimate amount of filament need it
Whiskey-Engineer2023-08-04 10:27:01 UTC
300x300x300 Unless you reslice it or resize the parts. I used about 5 rolls and 1/4 roll of Tpu at full size
Item rating
1 0
misfitminuteman11382022-09-27 19:03:33 UTC
This is very easy to complete. It’s awesome as well. Great detail I’m thrilled.
Thundercats Thundertank 3d printed
Editorial No Ai License 
Thundercats Thundertank 3d printed
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 50% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
3D Scanning

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (85 files)30.6 MBVersion: 001Version: 001Version: 001

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-01-02
  • Model ID#3483956