The Angel Thai Pattern - 3D Printing Model

The Angel Thai Pattern - 3D Printing Model 3D print model


The Angle Thai Pattern - 3D Printing Model - Full Model & Half-length

File 3D Print .OBJ .STL .ZPR Picture and Sample Cura Seting

Full Model

ActivePoints 750,000

TotalPoints 750,000


ActivePoints 750,000

TotalPoints 750,000

Item rating
0 1
youngster30uk2021-08-28 15:39:20 UTC
Not Recommended
The model is nice, but it is not optimised for 3d printing. The model is not manifold, but it will probably print ok on an fdm printer It is not suitable for a resin printer. It is hollow inside, but all of the pieces of the model (fingers, toes, almost everything) is modeled as seperate pieces and they stick into the model, so the model has many internal pieces, that would cause a problem when SLA printing. If you print it solid it will be ok, but inless you are printing it really smal, you are going to want to hollow it, and it doesnt hollow properly, it leaves many artefacts inside, which will likely ruin the print (EDIT) I just came back to edit this. Despite the above mentioned faults, I dont think I was fair overall. It is a great model, after I fixed the above mentioned problems, it prints amazingly. I really like some of the creators other models, but this is the only one that is priced fairly.
The Angel Thai Pattern - 3D Printing Model
Royalty Free License 
The Angel Thai Pattern - 3D Printing Model
Royalty Free License 
Response 20% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)53.6 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)66.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2018-11-16
  • Model ID#1825990