Power Rangers Inspired Lost Galaxy Quasar Saber and Sheath

Power Rangers Inspired Lost Galaxy Quasar Saber and Sheath 3D print model


This is a Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Quasar Saber and Sheath I was commissioned to make.

This was made to be as accurate as possible to the Tv show. Length:110cm, about43"Power Coins Sold Separately https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/power-ranges-inspired-lost-galaxy-power-coins

1.- Two different Blades were madeOne is a collapsible blade like a toy light saber, The other is a fixed blade that can be used at either full or half length. Both use a 11mm wide dowel rod to be wielded. The hole messures 10.9mmIts recomened to line the inside of the Sheath and collapsible Blade halfs to avoid scrathing the prop.

2.- Foldable hand guardsThe hand guards were made to fold into the sheath.As shown in the renders

3.- Removable Power coinsCoins can be switched out to your favorite character. *Sold Separately *https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/power-ranges-inspired-lost-galaxy-power-coins

4.- Mirror missing parts All parts marked with (L) OR (Half) at the end of its name can be mirrored to provide the missing right or bottom half. This can be done in your slicer of choice or alomost any 3d modeling program.

5.- Pieces marked with a number Any model marked with a number represents the amount you will need. I.E.- X4 Means you need to Print 4 of that Piece.


comatose2024-07-06 19:33:04 UTC
What would you recommend lining the sheath and extendable blade with?
Budwin2024-07-06 19:59:37 UTC
Felt good sir, the thinner the better
dchris8632022-07-22 03:51:07 UTC
Is it just the print format or dose it come already printed and just needs to be put together
Budwin2022-07-22 13:06:38 UTC
It must be printed good sir.
Budwin2022-04-24 15:45:45 UTC
The two places around me are Homedepot and Jo Ann Fabrics. HomeDepot is cheaper. Lowes may carry them as well.
dillpills1232022-04-24 15:12:48 UTC
Where did you get the 11mm dowel rod?
Item rating
3 0
tetreault2832023-07-19 07:13:24 UTC
Ordered files but the blades are rar format. How can i make it stl
josevictor45araujo2023-03-07 22:05:05 UTC
dillpills1232022-04-29 23:00:57 UTC
Over all a nice print but everything is not sized correctly. The rod is said to be 11MM but that is two big. None of the parts fits together without heat manipulation. Going to be hard finding pins for the hand guard.
Power Rangers Inspired Lost Galaxy Quasar Saber and Sheath
Editorial No Ai License 
Power Rangers Inspired Lost Galaxy Quasar Saber and Sheath
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (9 files)149 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-12-05
  • Model ID#3428219