Male Viera Default Cosplay Bracers and Accessories - FFXIV

Male Viera Default Cosplay Bracers and Accessories - FFXIV 3D print model


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Detailed accessories and fitted bracers for cosplay of Final Fantasy XIV's default Viera male armor. Fitted bracers are provided in two scalable sizes for medium build body types and buff build body types. The default scale is for each build at 5'8" (172.7cm). All files provided are in millimeters, the standard for all slicer programs.

A .zip compressed folder of a 3D-print .STL file bundle and a descriptive PDF with reference images. Pieces included are intact bracers and a split version with a concealed seam for ease of wear. Accessories include: choker charm, shoulder pauldron, chest buckle, two distinct chest tabs, the looped belt buckle, bag and belt decorative studs, and gemmed decorative studs.

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uberman2312022-05-15 21:32:58 UTC
Male Viera Default Cosplay Bracers and Accessories - FFXIV
Editorial No Ai License 
Male Viera Default Cosplay Bracers and Accessories - FFXIV
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 80% in 76.5h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 02 (.stl)990 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-12-02
  • Model ID#3424372