Jointed doll bjd. Her name is "Lantea" I love modeling articulated dolls. In my website you can see a sample of it: http://www.soniaverdu.es The figure consists of a total of 31 pieces (here I include two pieces to the back of the head with hair and hairless) The pieces are joined by elastic cords ( 2 mm in diameter) is all it takes to build once you have printed the pieces. It is very important to tighten the elastic cords to the maximun. In the following video you can see the assembly: www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0PhdM...
In the images you see three different printing methods:
-Form 2: Stereolithography(SLA)
-Makerbot: Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
-Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
You will find two types of files: -Pieces Without support -Pieces With small pupports that help for FDM
I hope you have fun with the printing!