HALO Infinite Mk VII full suit 3d print files

HALO Infinite Mk VII full suit 3d print files 3D print model


Game accurate HALO Mk VII armor plus undersuit.

3d file in .stl format for 3d printing with all added detail from game textures.

Includes five file packs with armor for hand plate, knee plate, plate carrier (chest piece split into 4 segments for more realistic separation with arm seals meant to be in a flexible filament or molded, but can be printed ridged), right forearm, bicep, shin (split in two to be put on easier), thigh (split in two with included low poly inner side for foam), belt (split in two to be put on easier), and left boot ( 3 separate pieces for flexibility). Currently does not include any shoulder armor attachments or helmets, those are sold separately. Also included is the undersuit pieces, this includes the undersuit core, elbow joint, shoulder joint, boot (with actual boot bottom texture), glove, and knee joint. Also has a solid glove file for mold making.

The undersuit has been updated to properly reflect the in game undersuit. When scaling the main armor pieces, certain undersuit pieces need to be scaled equally for a proper fitting:

Plate carrier = Shoulder jointsThigh and shin = Knee joint (can be a little off)Forearm = Elbow jointBoot = Boot (undersuit)

As of February a few files have been updated including the chest which is now two different files. The front and back are one, and the sides are in another. When scaling I highly recommend importing them into the same scene.

Armor files and undersuit are scaled for a 5ft 10in individual, but highly recommended to re-scale each piece corresponding to your specific needs.

Any questions? Feel free to message me directly and please note the 3d model is for personal use only and is not meant to be sold to or sent to others.

Item rating
1 0
movesinsilence2023-07-26 00:22:13 UTC
Nothing bad to say, only that It's awesome work. So far i have printed the hand plates after many hours of trying to do them myself I ended up purchasing these files. Quality is great, detail is there.
HALO Infinite Mk VII full suit 3d print files
Editorial No Ai License 
HALO Infinite Mk VII full suit 3d print files
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 84% in 1.7h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)88.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-06-10
  • Model ID#3807381