EVERYONE can build its own Ecto-1 with the 90 page instruction!
Check out the instructions for free to decide if you are fit for the task! I'm convinced that everyone who can turn on a 3d printer can build this Ecto-1!https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7dae2aa7odfjyk/instructions_v1.0.pdf?dl=0
Over 60 3d printed parts and 42 LEDs. All parts can be printed on a FDM machine!
The size is about 36,5cm x 12,8cm x 9,2cm (roof of the Ecto-1).That is about a 1:16,5 scale.
You mainly need the tools and electronics in the picture.
An arduino nano and a DFplayer mini mp3 player.
Thanks to @grafitomi with the build!
You can watch the build series by LeSanglierQuiRit in 250% size!! Crazy!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9vqOrcyyW4&list=PLO72NXBf0Nm7YMLLpeUXQj7WjvJCTfcWx&ab_channel=LeSanglierQuiRit
If you have any issues or questions feel free to contact me and i will help you with the build!
Update:Seems like CGTrader does not like .rarHere you can find the sketch, pictures of the ghost and mp3.https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3ac50rqbntuy4y52aaq05/ecto_1_sound_picture_sketch.rar?rlkey=cmuj3pxh5v8e1adnfbqwbwd91&dl=0