2021-08-13 09:32:52 UTCkirubel
can you provide more pictures? is it only Dowel or cam lock jig?
Made of 3D printed plastic parts are and commercial/standard metal parts.
Recommended material for plastic PETG. For the shrining compensation recommended to scale up +0.5% x & y axis and 0.25% the Z axis.
Commercial parts:Description Qty CommentCountersunk bolt M4x8 4pcs
Countersunk bolt M4x20 2pcs
Countersunk bolt M4x60 2pcs
Bolt M6x35 2pcs
Nut M6 2pcs
Steel rod D6mm 2pcs
Steel tube 8x1 Lenght 20.5mm 2pcs (to be gently pressed to the main plate)Nut M4 10pcs
M4x15 bolt 2 (Button or socket headed)