Mold for ArtisansCan be used to create models of: EVA, Foam, Craft, Silicone, Chocolate, Bomb Bath, etc - but mostly for artificial flower arrangements.
Remember to resize it as you need,you can resize as you prefer and as fits your needs.But remember to resize both pieces (male and female) in same proportion
-Size Pre-set: Male: 59x33mm
I would suggest not painting it, since the ink could cause differences between male and female which would cause an issue.
Easy Printing (one site is flat)No Support Required
Didn't test print it, but if I did, I would use this Cura settings on my Ender 3 Pro, printing in PLA:-Dynamic Quality: 0.16mm (or 0.12mm)-Printing Temperature: 200 (230 for V-Silk)-Build Plate Temperature: 70-Speed: 40 mm/s-Build Plate Adhesion Type: BrimBut feel free to change and use the settings you prefer.
Didn't test it on a resin printer, or in ABS.If you'd like a great amount of details, I would highly recommend printing it in resin.