This is a DIY solar tracker for maximizing sun exposure to the Ring battery operated camera's solar panel. It is completely powered by the Sun and is designed to follow the Sun from sunrise to sunset.No batteries are used, just solar panels, a small DC motor, pulleys and supports. The pulleys, supports and mounting clips are printed on a 3D printer and are available here for download as STL files.The lazy susan can be found on Amazon and the pulleys are connected with any type of elastic cord. I used a sewing machine cord. The base is a round disc, 9 inches in diameter. It can be made of lighweight wood of even stiff cardboard. The device is not intended to be left out in the rain. I find that using it on a sunny day as the camera battery gets depleted is sufficient to bring the battery up to capacity. The Ring solar panel clips are designed for easy mounting of the Ring solar panel to the tracker and then to its normal resting base.
The YouTube link for building and testing is here: