SET - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop And LED Light - RCA

SET - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop And LED Light - RCA 3D print model


SET - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop And LED Light - RCA

Make a photo as a professional!

The estimated value of your product and the reliability of your brand are often assessed based on the quality of your visual presentation. This means that a quality and beautifully photographed product can have a great future and an easier path to the customer!

Have you ever wondered how other people get the perfect pictures of their products? Images of products that look like floating in the picture?

To create the perfect photo, you need to have - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop and LED Light - RCA!

LED Light - RCA

Parts need (ALL IS READY TO 3D PRINT):

  1. 3D Print > LED Light - BIG LED PANEL - RCA - ALL.stl x 1 pcs
  2. 3D Print > LED Light - SMALL LED PANEL - RCA - ALL.stl x 2 pcs
  3. 3D Print > LED Power BOX - SIMPLE - ALL.stl x 1 pcs

Parts for LED light - RCA - everything you need from parts, you can get through an Aliexpress or a similar site:

  1. RCA Phono Chassis Female Socket Adapter Black - 1 pcs (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 1 pcs)
  2. RCA Phono Chassis Female Socket Adapter Red - 2 pcs (SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 1 pcs)
  3. RCA Phono Chassis Male Adapter Black - 1 pcs (LED Power BOX - SIMPLE 1 x 1 pcs)
  4. RCA Phono Chassis Male Adapter Red - 2 pcs (LED Power BOX - SIMPLE 2 x 1 pcs)
  5. Phillips Wood Screws 3 x 6.5 - 24 pcs (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 6 pcs / SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 6 pcs / LED Power BOX - SIMPLE 1 x 6 pcs)
  6. Stainless Steel M3 x 30mm BOLT - 12 pcs (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 4 pcs / SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 4 pcs)
  7. Stainless Steel M3 NUT - 24 pcs (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 8 pcs / SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 8 pcs)
  8. Stainless Steel M3 Flat WASHER - 24 pcs (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 8 pcs / SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 8 pcs)
  9. LED Power Supply AC 110V-220V TO DC 12V 1.25A or 1.5A For 5050 LED Strip - 1 pcs
  10. LED Strip 5050 COLD WHITE 60 LEDs/m - 900cm (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 4 x 150cm/ SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 3 x 100cm / sum: 900cm)
  11. Wire single core shielded outer diameter 3mm - 4.5m (BIG LED PANEL 1 x 0.5m / SMALL LED PANEL 2 x 0.5m / LED Power BOX - SIMPLE 3 x 1.0m)
  12. Power cord 110V-220V - 1 pcs (LED Power BOX - SIMPLE 1 x 1 pcs)


  1. LED Light - BIG LED PANEL - RCA - 300mm x 158mm x 120mm (H x W x D)
  2. LED Light - SMALL LED PANEL - RCA - 362mm x 120mm x 120mm (H x W x D)
  3. LED Power BOX - SIMPLE - 38.80mm x 100 mm x 46.80 mm (H x W x D)

Infinite Seamless White Backdrop

I've made a modular Infinite Seamless White Backdrop where you can choose the size that you need.


  1. MODEL 200x200x200 - 200.00mm x 200.00mm x 200.00mm (W x H x D)
  2. MODEL 300x200x200 - 300.00mm x 200.00mm x 200.00mm (W x H x D)
  3. MODEL 300x300x300 - 300.00mm x 300.00mm x 300.00mm (W x H x D)
  4. MODEL CUSTOM - The model is modular and you can print the parts you need for the size of your choice!

Parts need (ALL IS READY TO 3D PRINT):

  1. 3D Print > Infinite Seamless White Backdrop - MODEL 200x200x200 - PARTS 01.stl ( necessarily )
  2. 3D Print > Infinite Seamless White Backdrop - MODEL 200x200x200 - PARTS 02.stl ( necessarily )
  3. 3D Print > Infinite Seamless White Backdrop - UPGRADE MODEL 200x200x200 TO MODEL 300x200x200 - PARTS 03.stl ( optional )
  4. 3D Print > Infinite Seamless White Backdrop - UPGRADE MODEL 300x200x200 TO MODEL 300x300x300 - PARTS 04.stl ( optional )
  5. Phillips Self-tapping Wood Screws 3 x 6.5 > The number of pieces - depends on the model you 3D print
  6. Thick paper > The thick paper dimension - depends on the model you 3D printed out

Settings 3D printing:

Top Solid Layers - 3

Bottom Solid Layers - 3

Outline/Perimeter Shells - 3

Infill Percentage - 30%

Support - YES


You can check out my other products by clicking on the author name ImagineMYST.

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SET - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop And LED Light - RCA
Royalty Free License 
SET - Infinite Seamless White Backdrop And LED Light - RCA
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf) (3 files)7.1 MB
  • Collada (.dae) (3 files)4.16 MB
  • DXF (.dxf) (3 files)6.34 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (3 files)5.06 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)4.77 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (34 files)72.5 MB
  • Other 14.7 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)435 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-11-15
  • Model ID#1825216
  • Ready for 3D Printing