Centrifugal Tower Water Pump

Centrifugal Tower Water Pump 3D print model


Fully printable centrifugal water pump. It allows to be mounted cylinder motors up to 29mm ⌀(The shortest diameter on the body measure 30mm ⌀), 55mm H (including the space needed for the cables to go down without problems), motor shaft should be at least 5mm H, the propeller is made for 2 to 2.4mm ⌀ shaft. I've sealed everything with some proper water resistant glue around the base thread, inside the cables hole, between screws and plastic for holding the motor and a bit on the cover cap to get a better flow. Allow multiple ⌀ tubes to be used easily, 6mm ⌀ up to 10mm ⌀. Personally i printed it with PLA and still working as well (2 months of usage underwater). The mounting process is very easy, check if the shaft pass through the hole, put some glue inside the motor mount where the screw holes are placed and to the same on the other side, pu the motor on his slot and secure it with the two M3 screws, plug the motor to the current and check if the shaft rotate (if not, put some lube or enlarge a bit the hole). Proceed with putting up the propeller, personally i just hand-pressed it to my needed position, check again with plugging the motor if it rotate well and firmly and continue with connectin the cap to seal the propeller side with the two M3 screws and bolts (Add some glue to the border if you like a proper seal). Now it's time to solder the cables to the motor and pass them through the hole with putting a significant amount of glue in the bottom and if you find it necessary to the bottom. Let it full dry and enjoy your new home made water pump.


  • x2 M3x10mm screws (the lenght may vary depend on the mounted motor)
  • x2 M3x10mm screws+nuts for joining the end of the pump
  • x2 M3 screws for attach it to the ground/support (lenght may vary depending on where it will be placed)
  • x1 DCMotor up to 29mm ⌀ / 55mm H
  • x1 1m current cable (The pump work under the water so the minimum lenght should be at least 1 meter depend on the usage)
  • x1 Water glue (i like the ones silicone based, but anything made for water wich adhere on plastic should work perfectly)
  • x1 Power supply unit (It may vary based on the motor used and personal needs, i made it running even with 5v usb mobile phone charger. But for best performance i suggest to check the motor specifics)

I work with mainly with Fusion360, you can find STL-OBJ-FBX files.

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Centrifugal Tower Water Pump
Royalty Free License 
Centrifugal Tower Water Pump
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)2.02 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)1.06 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)507 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-06-12
  • Model ID#2010529
  • Ready for 3D Printing