This is the bubble maher toy. It can be 3d print. 3d printable files are attached. It's driven by 2XAA size battery. I used one gear motor for rotating the bubbler arm and blwer for the blowing wind to creat bubble. You have to do yourself electrical connections.Gear motor is,https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GA12-N20-3-6-12V-15RPM-300RPM-100RPM-DC-Gearmotor-Micro-Gear-Motor-Metal-Gearbox/283652976548?hash=item420b08efa4:m:m1JD9K0TNglJEy4qA5ksXGA&var=584992371012
Blower fan is,https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/50x50x10mm-5000rpm-ball-bearing-brushless-dc_62213328782.html?spm=a2700.7724857.normalList.51.1a624bf1hwUhNI
This is 3d printable model now. You have to edit for injection molding design. STEP file can be provide but you have to add aditional costing.