This Panel has been created to incorporate standard-size switches and a terminal strip. whilste giving basic water protection.
Important design features:
-No Support Structure needed to print (everything is designed with overhang)
-Flat surface, where switches are clipped in, so you can change the layout by simply editing the extrusion in the ipt-file
-Basic water protection
-Integrated hubs to screw the Panel down
-Strengthened stress points (variable material diameter in the entire panel)
-Multiple iterations have been tested
-Mounted vertically or horizontally on a flat surface
The electrics used in the picture are called:
-Double Row 4 Position Screw Terminal Strip (To connect everything to mass) (
-Round Rocker Switches with Self-Locking (The actual switches)(both about 5€ / 7$)
Printing tips:
-This has been designed with an exact fit, meaning if you print it you should increase the size in your slicer to make up for shrinkage of your material.f.e.: PLA: Shrinks about 2-2,5% - So you should print this object about 2-2,5% larger, to make sure that the switches fit.
-Print it right side up. No support needed!