3D Printable Quick-Connect Quadcopter

3D Printable Quick-Connect Quadcopter 3D print model


This is a 3D Printable model of a Quadcopter that has designed with many features that you normally would not find on the average copter. . Some of these features include the following: - Quick Connectable and Dis-connectable arms, allowing you to easily transport the copter and disassemble it on the go! . - Fold-able assembly, allowing you to easily change the orientation of the frame from X to Dead Cat style and everything in between! . - Super lightweight Makeup, giving you longer flight times, and larger weight load possibilities! . - Carbon Fiber Reinforced middle structure to give the frame optimum strength and efficiency! . - Easy assembly, only requiring few tools and resources. . - The Quick-Connects have holes built into the booms and main body made to accomidate glue-in 3.5mm bullet connectors! Not only making a physical connection, but also make an electrical connection! This means no more hard to dis-connect wires! This just names a few features of this frame, its your job to help find all of the others! This frame requires a few things to be flyable, this includes screws smaller than .2" in diameter, and 2 5.5" X 5.5" Carbon fiber plates, which you can all find in the internet with ease.

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3D Printable Quick-Connect Quadcopter
Editorial No Ai License 
3D Printable Quick-Connect Quadcopter
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)6.78 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-09-11
  • Model ID#80024
  • Ready for 3D Printing