Subaru Impreza center pod housing for LCD screen

Subaru Impreza center pod housing for LCD screen 3D print model


Hi! I have designed this from scratch to install my 10.1" 2560x1600 2K Panasonic VVX10T025J00 LCD. The maximum outline size of my monitor is 229.75 mm × 151.22 mm × 4.61 mm (H×V×D with touchscr) This LCD is perfect fit for those looking car computing. If you have smaller size screen than this you can always tweak my design but this won't accept anything bigger than 23 mm. There are not many options to install an LCD that big. Physically no way!I wanted to keep the factory look on my design. I have car computer over 15 years and believe me it is the best location and best viewing angle on track or during city driving. I am using the this screen for streaming canbus datas through a windows computer. You can even install xbox, or ps5

File format STL, OBJ, 3MF

INSTALLYou don't need any screws or adhesives to install the housing. It is a smart design and push fit through your oem dashboard.The most important part of the install not to break the paddles at install. You may need to cut your dashboard edges very little for an easy push-fit.Don't push it hard. Just cut the dashboard edges little by little by razor blade.(not too much) The elasticity will get you there.After the install it will hold no matter how fast your car. I have 11' second Impreza and those paddles holds great over 4 years.

PRINTINGABS, Nylon, ASA or PETG filaments would do the job. I would suggest a good oriented HIPS because of its elongation properties. PLA will fail in a car at high temps. You can print this in one part with supports or you can cut the model into two parts and bond later. You will save a lot of time on printing. If you break the paddle at install you can always print that part later.Personally I do print in one part because I have experienced after breaking the paddles =)

You can always PM me for any questions.Keep your GC8s live!

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Subaru Impreza center pod housing for LCD screen
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Subaru Impreza center pod housing for LCD screen
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Manufacturing File V2 (.3mf)2.27 MB
  • OBJ V2 (.obj, .mtl)13.9 MB
  • Stereolithography V2 (.stl)6.33 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-05-19
  • Model ID#3764517
  • Ready for 3D Printing