STL printable truck model kit rubber duck from the movie

STL printable truck model kit rubber duck from the movie 3D print model


The model is combined, all the main parts are presented as separate parts, so they are easily modified or removed, and standard parts are easily replaced.

Specs: 1:10 •1:12 •1:14 •1:16 •1:18 •1:24 •1:25 •1:28 •1:32

Included: •Body •Body of a large scale is divided into parts •Windows and glass

„Convoy” is undoubtedly one of the flagship films telling stories from the life of truck drivers.Started to produce the R and RW in 1966 for highway use, the RD and all wheel drive RM were for construction and municipal use. The lightweight RL model followed in 1967, the RW Superliner with a large, rectangular hood and grill in 1977, and the setback front axle RB in the 1990.In the 1990s the R and RW were discontinued and the RB was introduced, mostly for severe-duty applications. The hood was modified slightly for the model RB. 2004 was the last year for the RD, and 2006 for the RB.

kitzkrieghobbies2023-08-27 21:04:57 UTC
Ah, breaker one-nine, this here's the Rubber Duck You gotta copy on me, Pig Pen, c'mon? Ah, yeah, 10-4, Pig Pen, fer sure, fer sure By golly, it's clean clear to Flag Town, c'mon Yeah, that's a big 10-4 there, Pig Pen Yeah, we definitely got the front door, good buddy Mercy sake's alive, looks like we got us a convoy! ;-)
itman3d2023-08-28 06:29:17 UTC
gooodg4mes2023-05-09 08:58:37 UTC
Item rating
8 0
listonscenic2024-05-02 07:37:54 UTC
Designer is very helpful and does great work!
dutz2442023-09-02 12:31:14 UTC
Very well done!
marcelo-flegler2023-05-08 19:21:39 UTC
Very good!
churby2023-04-30 19:26:32 UTC
très bien réalisé!
xxxz0m8i3xxx2023-04-20 18:47:41 UTC
Wonderfully done model. Everything seems to be nice and clean with no over lapping meshes.
STL printable truck model kit rubber duck from the movie
Royalty Free License 
STL printable truck model kit rubber duck from the movie
Royalty Free License 
Available in these collections
Response 94% in 3.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (18 files)1.99 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-02-09
  • Model ID#4286117
  • Ready for 3D Printing