STL files for 3d printing of radio-controlled car bodies. The model is ready to be printed on a 3D printer. All the main parts of the model are presented as separate parts, so it is easy to change or delete objects.
Technical specifications: Width: 140 mm, Height: 69 mm Wall thickness: 1-1. 5 mm
For high-quality parts, it is recommended to print small parts on an SLA printer.
Other Scales: If you have any questions or suggestions or suggestions, please write a personal message.
The model is available in STL format for SLA or FDM printing. It is possible to position the steering wheel on the left or right.
Thank you so much for choosing my model. I tried to do everything in the best quality. I hope you like this model.
Hello, friends. This armored car was developed by Škoda in 1923.The car was nicknamed Zelva (Turtle) for a reason-the PA-II had a body with a very specific shape, more like a turtle shell.Although it was difficult to manufacture, the angles of inclination increased the survivability of the machine, the maximum thickness of the armor did not exceed 5.5 mm. The plates were shaped with hammers. This was a traditional method, originating from the craftsmen who formed the knight's armor by hand.All parts were then secured with rivets to a steel frame built around the chassis.Interestingly, the chassis was made symmetrically.The PA-II armored car had a dual-control system, in which two drivers sat side by side, with their backs in different directions, in the center of the combat compartment and controlled alternately each with their own pair of wheels. Each driver had all the controls, without exception, and did not depend on his partner in his actions. The disadvantage of this system was that