Side pads adjustable track system. to fit electric unicycles.Date of invention 15 March 2022.License non commercial no derivatives, includes all 3d printers, cnc, laser, extrudes, all and any method, delivery, manufacture, location, in progress details may change.Not food.Example, is product that enables adjustment of electric unicycle pads to various hights and angles, know as jump pads, foot pads, euc pads, side pads, power pads.Ajusted foot pads allow better personal fit to rider and asist with acceleration, jumping, breaking, and keeping feet from bouncing off pedals when going over bumps etc.
production notes.Stl file default example. pad attach 5mm by aprox 60mm by 60mm times 4.rails, units are assembled using small bolts.I do not supply materials filaments nor printers nor bolts.
Price per unit manufactured. Per stl copy is $8. then i allow you to sell 1 set of Side pad adjustable track system. A set being both sides of one euc.Repurchase this stl for every set.Price of invention ownership.100,000. dollars message me about that.