Fully functional design
In order to obtain high quality parts like scale model kit , recommend to print small parts on an SLA printer.
**Capable build plate size is 250*250*300mm**
layer thikness - 0.1 for small objects
- 0.18 -0.22 for larg parts .
important better to use use 100% infill
**Copyright 2021 Kasun yasanka wijekoon. All rights reserved Important: The product can only be used in an editorial manner (educational, non-commercializable personal project, in newsworthy and of public interest events) and may not be used for any commercial, promotional, resale, sharing or merchandising purposes.
email us. scalybark01@gmail.com
this is our facebook page you can see more images https://www.facebook.com/scalybark
Model avalible in STL format for printing SLA or FDM.
I am very grateful to you for choosing my 3D models to print on 3D printer. we are pretty sure this may change your 3d printing journey good luck . COPYRIGHT . have a nice day -scalybark team-