Hot Rod - RC car

Hot Rod - RC car 3D print model


Hello,I have prepared a Hot Rod model for you. I was looking for inspiration in different RC models and I adapted individual parts to 3D printing as much as possible. I also enclosed a list of electronics in the Excel table. If you are new in RC cars and you have to buy everything it will cost you about $ 191, or $ 130 without sound system, tires and screws.If you already have some hardware it will cost you less, you just have to check whether the electronics is compatible. Maximum measured speed of the model is 34 km / h (technical maximum speed is higher, but I could not achieve it in normal environments), but beware at high speed is harder to control the car.

Note: The body is made from two big parts that are made to be glued together.It's great project to work on, everything fits, and after you are done you can upgrade as you wish, when something breaks down you can simply print out new ones.

You will need something about 1 Kg of PETG and some FLEX 98 for tires and wheel shafts, and 91 hours of print time.

FLEX 98A parts: Wheel_shaft_2x, Shaft_torque_output_2x, Tires_rear_2x, Tires_front_2x

I have made an assemble tutorial on youtube: for more information you can check my website:

el-mario-reus2023-04-28 08:56:54 UTC
hey's do you sell the cad included?
arturodi2020-08-07 18:56:25 UTC
So cool!! :]
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Hot Rod - RC car
Royalty Free License 
Hot Rod - RC car
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)9.18 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)103 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-07-29
  • Model ID#2535954
  • Ready for 3D Printing