g29 g920 sequential shifter conversion

g29 g920 sequential shifter conversion 3D print model


This is an stl file which when printed allows you to convert your g29/g920 shifter into a sequential shifter or hydraulic handbrake. The only extra part you need is a couple of common rubber bands. To install it just unscrew the alen screws, remove the shift knob and place the 3d printed part. You are done, reinstall the parts you took off and you are ready to use the shifter. The whole installation takes about 2 minutes. Print with the part oriented as seen on the picture with 100% infill, supports and 30mm^2 minimum support area (the bottom trianges don't need support). A brim is also recommended. Enjoy!

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g29 g920 sequential shifter conversion
Custom No Ai License 
g29 g920 sequential shifter conversion
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)846 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-10-08
  • Model ID#5572686
  • Ready for 3D Printing