This is an scalable model. The original scale is 1:1. It can be printed down to 1.5% (1:67)The tire valve i s very small, so if you want to be printed, it must be at large scale.
If you want to print it in small scales, I recomend you to use a low speed on your printer (less than 40 mm/s)
It has been designed in sketchup and converted in several formats just in case you want to edit it.
I´m adding an stl format that was saved with the requirements to print on an Ender 3
The presets are in STANDARD QUALITY. I experienced a very good printing with this settings, but if you want a better finish I sugest you to print it in super quality or dinamic quality. There are no support nor plate adhesion.
Temperature was set for PLA at 195° on the nozzle and 50° on the printing bed. This settings are the best for my printer.