Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car PRINTABLE HIGH POLY 3D

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car PRINTABLE HIGH POLY 3D 3D print model


This model was created in Sketchup and converted to different formats. The 3d formats are intended to edit the model if you want to change something. The chitty printable14 organized files are intended to directly print all the parts of the model in four printing sessions. Due to the size of the model, it was splitted in parts (please refer to pictures). The chitty printable assy file is the model used to check all the assembly process.

You'll find parts that are designed to assamble the model with glue, and other to assamble without it.

The model was not designed to work as a toy.

Tolerances were calculated to 0.1 mm at 1:20 scale

I used The Ultimaker Cura software to preview the model printing sets:

Scale: 1000% (10:1)

Printer: Creality Ender 3 Pro Profile: super quality Infill density: 10% Layer high: 0.12 mm Build plate adhesion: none The wood part (just the rear side of the body) was printed with a unique profile.

Some details I found when I buildt the model:

Almost all pieces fitted well.There is some trimming needed in the small fitting bulges.I advice to print the smaller pieces separately, and better if you do so with all pieces (a lot of work and time, but better results).The wood filament is very tricky, so I advice to make sure that your printing settings are correct, Remember that the wood body is very large and needs a lot of time to print. I used a JAYO filament (not the best but it worked with my .04 mm nozzle)I sugest that you use glue to mount all pieces (exept the wheels and flying gear)You'll have fun building it!

kirch662024-05-31 16:44:00 UTC
These parts are HUGE. You said the Scale: 1000% (10:1)? When I go to rescale one of the parts (i.e. Main Body - which comes up with an actual length of 17420.27 mm) to something like 1:24 scale, the part (Main Body) still comes up as 725.85 mm, which is over 2 feet in length, just for that one section of the model. I know for a fact that a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car IRL is only 5.4m, which scales at 1:24 to 223.31mm (for the full length of the whole car). So my question is what is the ACTUAL scale of THIS model, and why are all the parts so large for a printable 3D model? This isn't even 1:1. I have bought this model already, and would love to print it to add to my collection of TV and Movie cars (all scaled to 1:24/1:25 size), but I can't for the life of me figure out that original scale on this to get an accurate reduction. I've checked this out on a couple different model scale conversion sights. Maybe of you provided a whole car at the same scale as all the parts then we could work back from the whole model car's length. Impossible to do from individual parts. I await your response. Thank you in advance for making such a detailed model! Just would like to know now to scale this properly.
enrique-martineze2024-05-31 18:52:51 UTC
Sorry for the inconvinience... As the model is quite large (10:1) It is only needed to re-scale to 1/10 of the scale you need. So to get the 1:25 scale you have to reduce it to 1:250 That means you have to reduce it to 0.4% of the original size and so on... Ihope this works for you. Best regards
kirch662024-05-31 19:39:06 UTC
That did it! Thanks! Can't wait to print and paint this!
enrique-martineze2024-05-31 22:33:50 UTC
Happy to help!
thanasek-cp2023-04-26 18:32:01 UTC
nice model
enrique-martineze2023-04-26 22:25:57 UTC
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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car PRINTABLE HIGH POLY 3D
Royalty Free License 
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car PRINTABLE HIGH POLY 3D
Royalty Free License 
Response 92% in 13.1h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Sketchup (.skp) (2 files)90.3 MBVersion: 2021Version: 2021
  • Stereolithography (.stl)31.1 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)108 MB
  • Collada (.dae) (2 files)215 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)215 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)215 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-11-09
  • Model ID#4101445
  • Ready for 3D Printing