Yellow toy car concept

Yellow toy car concept 3D print model


My concept toy car created with moi3d nurbs software.It is the product of my heavy practice with nurbs tools.

Model created with Moi3d nurbs software.Rendering preview images with blender3d and cycles rendering engine.Model consists of main carbody,2 axels and tires with rimsjointed.Files exported as NGONS,except 3dm file which was exported as 3dm NURBS native file.There are no textures and no interior objects for this product.Enjoy my product.

NOTE: STL file is now fixed and consists of carbody and two axles with wheels.Now objects are solid and ready for 3d printing.If you need this objects to be separated STL files please let me know

vehicle size: 12.07 x 6.27 x 3.26 cm

obj file

stl file
verts: 1401537
ngons: 467179

Checked with GLC player

mathivanancv2022-06-07 17:12:28 UTC
mimi932017-03-24 19:23:10 UTC
WOOOOOOW - I' love it !!!!
miaomiao3d2015-07-26 06:12:20 UTC
Is this 3D printable? If so got any pictures of what it looks when printed?
elok3dart2015-07-26 06:38:02 UTC
It is never tested,but I've created it to be 3d printable.So there are no pictures how it looks as 3d printable product.
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Yellow toy car concept
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Yellow toy car concept
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 73% in 1.7h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Rhinoceros 3D newer (.3dm)1.61 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)9.11 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-02-25
  • Model ID#55145
  • Ready for 3D Printing