voms proyect pikamee 3d printable figure

voms proyect pikamee 3d printable figure 3D print model


PLEASE READhello , i maked a figure of the voms member pikamee , i'm based in his original picture for made itdetails:-file in stl-size as default is 10cm aprox-for make a good conection between the pieces its necesary to sand only in the conection parts but then , all the pieces matches great

vilche32021-09-30 16:27:34 UTC
Hello, I have tried to buy the stl, but the page does not allow me to finish the purchase process. what can we do? :(
3DP-Miniatures2021-06-10 20:35:25 UTC
Item rating
1 1
notkanye2023-03-17 23:47:38 UTC
Not Recommended
Good model, but none of the pegs fit inside their connecting holes to hold the model together. If you're going to buy, be ready to cut off all connectors before curing and also decide whether you want the hood or not, because you'll have to super-glue it together to make it stay together.
jus82302021-09-06 08:10:28 UTC
voms proyect pikamee 3d printable figure
Editorial No Ai License 
voms proyect pikamee 3d printable figure
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 61% in 1.7h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)79.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-06-10
  • Model ID#3094264