With Skullgrin joining the bunch of new Legacy figures, it's time to equip him with the original Vibro-Sword his original figure came with!
A simple one-piece print, best done in grey, here's it in the hands of Skullgrin! And Skullgrin is great at posing with these, except for his pretty limited head articulation!
Taking a step further, these blades can also be used in combination with his other weapons to create dangerous looking backpack halberds or assembled into blades stave weapons for more brutal combat!
In order to give more options for using and sorting the Vibro-Sword, two options that come with sidewards pegs are also provided, so that you can peg swords onto Skullgrin's side pauldrons!
Coming over to Skullgrin's (somewhat disappointing) alt mode, the pegged versions of the swords would peg on nicely either on the side of his treads or onto the side of the turrets, with his original blade taking the positions on the treads instead.
And since everything is sized for 5mm ports, the Vibro Sword is equally compatible across all other bots!
And there we go, a little nod to the original accessory from the past for Skullgrin, now brought into moderns times for this new modern figure. As always, happy 3d printing this one for your Skullgrin too! =)
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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