Dandadan (ダンダダン), also script displayed as Dan Da Dan, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yukinobu Tatsu [ja]. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ app and website since April 2021, with its chapters collected in 17 tankōbon volumes as of November 2024. The series follows two teenagers with supernatural powers fighting spirits and aliens with help from multiple allies.Turbo Granny (ターボババア, Tābo Babā)A yōkai who takes the form of a cruel, foul-mouthed elderly woman, Turbo Granny used to comfort the spirits of girls who died horrible deaths, but started cursing and stealing the genitals of anyone who entered her territory. After Momo and Okarun defeat her, Seiko seals her spirit inside a maneki-neko doll, and she agrees to aid Okarun and Momo in finding Okarun's testicles, in exchange for receiving her powers back.