And to round off the year, here's an actual firing Cannon which you can build for your Star Raider buddies!
Rolling around on its four-wheeled carriage, this cannon should strike fear in any who come up against the Star Raiders! It's a little obscured but there's a handy arrow in the carriage to remind the crew of which way to point this bad boy.
The spring loaded firing mechanism works simply by pulling back on and releasing this knob on the plunger!
=== CyberBase Track and Titan Master and Compatibility ===
Along the way, we decided to add more cross-compatibility for this kit. Starting with a little mount on the back to fit a titanmaster or primemaster!
Also included is a little titanmaster seat so you can plop one of your little figures down in there. In this configuration, it seems to make more sense with the cannon's barrel flipped around the other way. So probably not a good idea to super glue down the barrel pegs.
And finally to allow this cannon to fit in with any CyberBase Tracks, Titans Return or WFC tracks, we've designed in a removeable notch at the back of the carriage.
After this is removed, you can tab the connector pieces from our earlier CyberBase Track set ( ) and connect up any track pieces to really link this up to any playset as you like!
=== Assembly ===
The included diagram shows how this kit is to be assembled.
It's recommended to print the Spring and Plunger to be a little more solid. But it should also be no biggie if they snap as they can be replaced quite easily.
Well there we have it - a little actiony fun prop for your Star Raiders! Happy 3d printing and firing this one off, me mateys! =)
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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