Transformers PotP Punch-Counterpunch Weapons

Transformers PotP Punch-Counterpunch Weapons 3D print model


One of the lesser-known characters back in the day, Punch-Counterpunch sure was unique in having two distinct modes to act as a spy between the factions! It's great that we got a new version of him in the POTP line, but sadly he only got a small pistol as and accessory, so here's our shot at returning his two original G1 weapons to him!

First up is the Twin Mortar Launcher for Punch, this twin barreled weapon sure pack a .... erm.. punch. Both barrels have been sized to allow for effect parts to be attached for additional ooomph.

Coming to Counterpunch, here's his signature Photon Canon, packed with a scope on top for those long range sniper shots. It also sports a little 3mm effect parts peg on the end of the barrel to make for more dynamic posing! Blooooosh~!

And when it comes to Punch-Counterpunch's alt mode, these both can combine to peg onto his roof for overwhelming firepower. The Twin Mortar Launcher also sports two 5mm ports on its rear to allow for more effect parts fun!

Both pieces are single part prints, which are advised to be printed straight-upwards vertically for the best details and results.

Have fun 3d printing a bunch of this for Punch-Counterpunch or any other bots you may like! =)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers PotP Punch-Counterpunch Weapons
Custom No Ai License 
Transformers PotP Punch-Counterpunch Weapons
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)2.59 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-15
  • Model ID#3386529
  • Ready for 3D Printing