Harking back to before it all began, while Megatron was a downtrodden Energon miner with ideas of a revolution brewing in his mind and pick axe in hand.
Several variants of the pickaxe can be assembled, with the default looking possibly packing twin purple blades for tearing through rock walls.
But the symbol of the miners can also be used to rally and lead them to rise up! Atop its central body sits a 5mm port where effect parts can be added on.
Beyond the default blade, two other ones with slightly differing designs are also included and can be swapped around change things up for a look you prefer. They can also be used singly, making for a looking more akin to a sickle.
To give this energy weapon a powered up look, it may be a good idea to print the blades in clear and use a clear paint to tint them. Further modifications can be made by using the longer option handle, giving the weapon a double handed nature as demonstrated by Straxus.
And in essence, the handle can be made as long or short as required, and is designed to fit a standard 5mm hand hole.
=== ASSEMBLY ===
The attached images shows the parts included in this kit and how they can be mixed and matched to make several variants of this weapon.
Happy 3d printing and enjoy putting this vicious weapon together, and help the Decepticons transform and rise up!
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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