Transformers Maccadams Oil House Table and Seats

Transformers Maccadams Oil House Table and Seats 3D print model


And here's something from that legendary watering hole for all bots on Cybertron, Maccadam's Oil House!

This is where bots of both (and neither!) faction are welcome to come in for a drink, as long as they can pay for it! This set is sized to work for most deluxe bots without too many back kibbles or parts sticking out, and was mainly designed for Siege Megatron here to take a comfy seat.

Since there was a little but of space underneath the seat, the side grill piece was designed to be easily removable to allow for spare parts and accessories to be stored below.

Atop the seats, you can either opt to use a clear piece of acrylic as a booth separator or print the provided version. Also,. near the top of the seats, a 5mm port has been designed in to help bots hole their accessories safely!

=== Assembly ===

The attached diagram shows how the various parts of this builds are to be assembled.

The seat components can be connected using with provided, printable 5mm pegs, or with 5mm plastic rods cut down to size.


In a pinch, this set may work nicely with the earlier Swerve's bar sets:

And don't forget to also grab the Aghartan Electro-bass and Mic set for Jazz and Sky-Byte too ( ;)

As always - happy 3d printing! =)

[27 July Update]

And in case you would like to make a few rows of these booths, you're going to need some back-to-back seating, like this!

This variant double seat has been added as a new zip folder to this post, and here's how they are assembled:

So if you're going to do up an entire Maccadam's, you should be all set. Show us some photos of the setup when you're done too! ;)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers Maccadams Oil House Table and Seats
Custom No Ai License 
Transformers Maccadams Oil House Table and Seats
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)5.55 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-08-23
  • Model ID#4729043
  • Ready for 3D Printing