Transformers Generation One Space Bridge Ver 2

Transformers Generation One Space Bridge Ver 2 3D print model


Rebooting and enhancing this project from back in the day, here's a second version of the G1 Space Bridge! Now with optional LED installation possibilities!

This new version comes with a top light plate, and can either be assembled in its closed mode where it resembles a full circle or be modified to be opened up for when bots need to enter or leave it.

And after countless hours of printing and electronics assembly, here's what the Space Bridge looks like with Siege Megatron for scale.

Here's a youTube link showing the bridge with its LED in action -

The code (available as a download below) was written to simulate the Space Bridge slowly powering up with its lights running around in an increasing pace before and activating with all the lights on and at full power!

And as seen above, the segments used can be swapped around (wiring permitting) to convert it into its open mode.

=== Assembly ===

Here's a look at how the parts required for a single segment are to be assembled. On top of the 3d printable parts, 5x3mm rare earth magnets are used to let the segments snap connect, and WS2812B LED segments are used for the lightup effect.

=== Electronics ===

The more eagle eyed amongst you would have noticed that the LED lights electronics are controlled off an Arduino board and 9V battery chucked messily to the side. These could probably have been done in a smaller package and more neatly hidden under the bridge segment, but it's a start! :P

Here's our simplistic circuit diagram for reference. Also take note that the library by Daniel Garcia will need to be installed for our code version to work.

Our (really amateurish!) Arduino sketch which is a Frankenstein assemblage of various code segments is also provided below for reference. Feel free to go wild with it and tweaking it around!

In terms of the LED segments, they were these WS2812B LED strips cut into individual pieces and then wired up!

These LED segments are then adhered to the rail piece and attached into the underside of the top cap so that they can shine through.

Now, a little bit of a secret feature we were testing out, as the plan to actually connect the wires through a little side hole to be soldered onto the magnets directly so the wires get connected as soon as the magnets of the neighboring segments snap together.

Unfortunately soldering directly on the magnets does weaken them significantly and we got a little worried about the alignment and so went back to the more traditional wiring approach.

Would love to see if anyone manages to do something with this approach though!


And there we go - a more dynamic space bridge which could be used to welcome all the new bots which come and land in your collections!

Hope y'all enjoy our first foray in adding an electronics touch to the project and with any luck, we may do more of these as we go along. Meanwhile, happy 3d printing and electronic assembling ;)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers Generation One Space Bridge Ver 2
Custom No Ai License 
Transformers Generation One Space Bridge Ver 2
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)4.81 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-07-30
  • Model ID#4671409