Transformers Energon Saber

Transformers Energon Saber 3D print model


Coming in as a Patreon suggestion, here's the Energon Saber!

Somewhat similar to the earlier Armada Star Saber, as it was also in the show, this piece has been designed to scale just nicely with deluxe sized figures. Also seems to work just as well with the beefier Energon Ironhide right here!

As the primary wielder of the Energon Saber was somehow mainly Kicker, we had designed it with swappable handles - a 5mm one for most bots and 4mm one specially for him!

So if you do have Kicker around, he can be made to somewhat hold it like so, though it's quite the challenge given his floppy joints and non-rotating hands.

Strangely enough, Kicker does use the Energon Saber as his personal flying hoverboard, so posing him on top of it makes a tad of sense too?

=== Assembly ===

The attached diagram shows the parts for this build.

The main body of the sword can be a little tricky to print so it's recommend to go with lower layer heights and also to tune the speed down for better detail resolution .

Our version as seen above was printed in clear PLA and given a thin coat of yellow in an attempt to get the translucent yellow look of the original also! Resin printing it in clear may yield better results too!


Hope y'all like this new addition to the Energon arsenal! With any luck, if we do get Energon bots coming out soon, this may well be a nice touch for them.


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers Energon Saber
Custom No Ai License 
Transformers Energon Saber
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)14 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-07-30
  • Model ID#4671417