Transformers Earthspark Aracnamech

Transformers Earthspark Aracnamech 3D print model


And here's a fun one from the latest Transformers Earthspark series - the creepy spidery army droid of Aracnamechs!

Often seen swarming around the place, this six legged critter was designed to be as articulated as possible and yet be able to hold up its massive noggin!

And here's the little fella all printed out and painted up! Not sure if the color scheme is super accurate to his screen appearance but looks menacing enough for now! Though they look a little weedy, the legs and their joints still work well to hold Aracnamech up!

In fact, he can even end up using his front legs for doing stuff and just stand just nicely on the rear legs.

Due to how the leg segments have a wide angle of rotations in all directions, the Aracnamech should be able to easily surmount and stand on various terrain and obstacles.

And for a sense of scale, here he is next to Animated bee. Don't have them Earthspark figures for comparison yet, but guess it should be kinda close.

And Arcanamechs would probably like to hang out more with a fellow spider-kin. So here's Black Arachnia again for some scale comparisons. Love how a bit of posing can allow Aracnamech to still be kinda expressive. :)

=== Assembly ===

The attached diagram shows the parts which make up the Aracnamech!

The parts should print out easily enough and it is recommended to use thinner layer heights (~0.16mm or less?) with more walls to ensure that the the ball or socket parts of the joints are as durable as they can be.


Hope everyone's enjoying he Earthspark series so far also, and have fun 3d printing and adding these little spidery dudes to your collection! ;D


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers Earthspark Aracnamech
Custom No Ai License 
Transformers Earthspark Aracnamech
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)8.67 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-05
  • Model ID#4148613
  • Ready for 3D Printing