Transformers Beast Wars Transmutate

Transformers Beast Wars Transmutate 3D print model


Here's Transmutate, the titular character from the Beast Wars episode who came from one of the Maximal stasis pods.

A really different model from our usual hard surface ones, most of the modelling time went into getting this head just right. And hopefully y'all will like it too.

Given Transmutate's odd anatomy, we've tried to model her with more joints to help make her balance a little better, as well as give her more expressive poseability.

And so as seen here, he has joints in his shoulder, hip, elbows and knees. And for his single left hand, we've incorporated a ball joint to allow Transmutate rotate her hand around freely - to wave or point with!

Head articulation relies on moving her neck piece up and down, and also by rotating it to allow Transmutate to look sideways. She looks from the side with the twin wires linking her head to his back. These really do give her a lot of character from how they move with her head's position.

And on her back, we've designed in a fun little feature! Taking a closer look, you will see a little hatch, which can open up to reveal this gem piece which helps her float around!

And of course, Transmutate did get born out of one of the stasis pods, so we just had to put her in our earlier pod ( too!

=== Assembly ===

Here's Transmutate's assembly diagram in the attached images, showing how all her parts go together.

All the parts required for Transmutate are printed, except for the pair of wires connecting the back of her head to the back of her body. Our version shown about was made with two painted-over TPU filament segments. It will be necessary to glue these to the two holes on the back of this head, and left unglued but just pegged into the two holes on her back.


And there we have it - one of the characters who had such a short screen time in a single episode but left us as such a massive fan favorite. With this release, hope you will be able to create your own Transmutate for your Beast Wars collection too.

As always, happy 3d printing! =)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Transformers Beast Wars Transmutate
Custom License 
Transformers Beast Wars Transmutate
Custom License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)17.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-01-11
  • Model ID#5018929
  • Ready for 3D Printing