It all started 3d Scanning a real Toy Soldier, from my dad.
The model was sprayed with removable white powder in order to avoid reflections on the model. Image may contain: a personImage may contain: person, indoor and human faceImage may contain: person and indoorThen, once I had the resulting CAD file from the 3d Scanning Zbrush was used in order to modify the face of the model and add detail to the body. Image may contain: statue and sculptureImage may contain: indoor, statue and cartoonImage may contain: indoor, person and statueOnce the CAD file was ready, the model was printed with a SolusPro 3d Printer and SolusProto Resin, this resin is used for toys and characters, it allows for the model to be painted.Image may contain: statue, sculpture and orangeImage may contain: carrot, toy and orangeThis resin is also resistant to heat, so it allows to make a hot mould directly.Image may contain: statue, sculpture and indoorImage may contain: statue, person and sculpturePerhaps it will be a keyring soon?Image may contain: person, holding and statueImage may contain: person, hand and holding