The Riveter woman holding baseball bat

The Riveter woman holding baseball bat 3D print model


This is my stylized version of Rosie the Riveter, It's about 6.3 inches tall. The model consists of 8 pieces with keys.I tested the files on the elegoo mars pro. Exposure Time: 7.0Bottom Exposure Time: 70.0Layer Height: 0.050

haremcinema2023-07-12 18:31:16 UTC
Very cool.
t-d-hofstetter2022-04-07 14:08:04 UTC
Rosie! I actually know her.
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davidinsley2021-04-30 23:37:45 UTC
This was better than Amy Jo Johnson’s left tit!!!
The Riveter woman holding baseball bat
Editorial No Ai License 
The Riveter woman holding baseball bat
Editorial No Ai License 
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    3D Model details

    • Publish date2020-04-28
    • Model ID#2391986
    • Ready for 3D Printing