Super Mario - HI RES 3D PRINT FILE 3D Printing

Super Mario - HI RES 3D PRINT FILE 3D Printing 3D print model

serpente-alquimica2019-09-02 08:22:05 UTC
esse arquivo vale 30 $ ,,e um morto de fome mesmo kkk ...
dubi012019-09-02 03:06:45 UTC
mesh for right eye is missing.....
Item rating
4 2
buch02023-04-24 11:37:57 UTC
It's a good model, but it has a issue with the right eye, it's like a shell, not filled. Fixed it with the repair mesh function on fusion 360.
james-michael-ingram2022-09-21 22:36:51 UTC
-ben-2020-10-08 09:08:44 UTC
très bien juste un petit problèmes avec sont oeil droit qui n'est pas la sur la plupart des slicers mes avec 3d builder aucun probléme tout est ok bon travail .
kuroisabato2019-09-10 19:30:54 UTC
some work to fix the model and make it printable. I expected something "ready to print", even when a low price model, and not having to do it by myself. maybe, next time, will search on the thingiverse first.
dubi012019-09-03 03:20:26 UTC
Not Recommended
File has major hole where the right eye belongs
Super Mario - HI RES 3D PRINT FILE 3D Printing
Royalty Free License 
Super Mario - HI RES 3D PRINT FILE 3D Printing
Royalty Free License 
Response 23% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)15.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2019-02-08
  • Model ID#1893393