Springer Magic Lance from Transformers G1 The Nightmare Planet

Springer Magic Lance from Transformers G1 The Nightmare Planet 3D print model


When stuck in a magical nightmare dungeon with one of your enemies, facing an angry dragon and needing to save a princess in distress - the answer is a magic lance! Welcome to the wacky world of the 80s Transformers :P

Sporting a long shaft to better stab a dragon with, arming Springer with the massive polearm gives him the reach needed to win the fight!

=== ASSEMBLY ===

This kit comprises of three parts - the head of the lance, the shaft and a pommel at the end.

The shaft can be fabricated out of a length of 5mm rod, or using the printable version provided. The length of the shaft can also be tweaked by scaling it (non-uniformly) prior to 3d printing.

For the pommel, it is very much optional but if it's to be used, do take note not to glue it down as it will need to be removed to allow the lance to be held in Springer's hands. Thereafter it can be replaced on the bottom of the shaft.


T'was a fun outing into bringing one of the stranger artifacts from G1 Transformers to life - hope everyone has fun 3d printing this one out too! =D


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Springer Magic Lance from Transformers G1 The Nightmare Planet
Custom No Ai License 
Springer Magic Lance from Transformers G1 The Nightmare Planet
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)430 KB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-10-25
  • Model ID#3345382