Spiker Blaster Accessory for TF Prime DREAD Vehicon

Spiker Blaster Accessory for TF Prime DREAD Vehicon 3D print model


"The Direct Response Espionage & Assault Department (D.R.E.A.D) is a sinister branch of Megatron's Vehicon forces. Consisting of the most skilled and ruthless of his soldiers, each D.R.E.A.D member is an expert in infiltrating enemy bases and conducting assassination missions on high profile targets.

The Spiker blaster is made to be more powerful than the standard Vehicon blaster, at the cost of being more wily and unstable. It fires nano-doped rounds at a high rate of fire, and these devious bullets embed themselves in the targets and consume them from inside out, corrupting circuits and frying synapses. Repairing such wounds is a long, arduous process. Amputation is a more expedient solution."

(Original Shapeways model ID: 864908)

This blaster was to emulate the 'spiky guns' that the Decepticon soldiers were using in Dark of the Moon, but adapted to the aesthetics of the Transformers Prime animated series. Hence, the main chassis was designed with 3 sides and the spikes and talons develop out of the corners. Other elements such as the multiple barrels were added to harken back to the original inspiration.

The Spiker comes with a 5mm peg handle on the bottom and the rear, and a pair of sideways facing 3mm ports at the rear end of the chassis. It measures 74.5mm in length. This model has been successfully printed in SLS Nylon.

This file is for personal use only. Kindly avoid modifying, disseminating or selling it without my express permission.

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Spiker Blaster Accessory for TF Prime DREAD Vehicon
Custom License 
Spiker Blaster Accessory for TF Prime DREAD Vehicon
Custom License 
Response 86% in 18.7h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)5.35 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-10-08
  • Model ID#5550959
  • Ready for 3D Printing