The Spiderman animated series of the 90s, titled Spiderman: The Animated Series, aired between 1994 and 1998, with a total of 65 episodes divided into 5 seasons. It became one of the most beloved series by wall-crawler fans, thanks to its fidelity to the comics, its complex plot and memorable characters.
Spiderman: The Animated Series is a memorable series that marked an entire generation of fans. With its complex plot, well-developed characters, and relevant themes, the series remains one of the best animated adaptations of the character. The Punisher episode with the symbiote is an example of the series' mature and serious approach, and its ability to explore complex themes such as violence and redemption.
This model of Spider Monster Bust comes with 3 stl files.
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Disclaimer: By purchasing this product, you can print and collect the pieces. This does not include a commercial license, if you want to sell them, you must contact with us to expand reproduction rights. Although this collectibles are inspired by an existing series, the characters that here we are giving you are a complete reinterpretation of the ones you see in action figures or tvseries. We are not in the business of doing exact replicas.
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